Using Gantt Charts


Many people are visual learners, which means they can better envision a task or some other thing if they can see how it's done. That can even extend to the business world, where companies often use charts to illustrate a variety of results. One chart that has been around for a long time and is still used today in many situations is Gantt chart. 

The Gantt chart is named after Henry Gantt, who first came up with the chart more than a century ago. It is a type of bar chart that shows a project schedule. It also can be used to show the relationships that are dependent on the schedule. The chart basically lays out the tasks that need to be performed and the time frame in which they need to be performed so that individuals and companies can keep track of projects.

Even in today's digital world, Gantt charts are still used and still provide value. In fact, the advent of computer software has made it easier than ever to use Gantt charts to keep everyone in a team or an entire business informed of the progress of a project. Not only can the charts be prepared and updated in real time for everyone to see, but electronic Gantt charts also can be linked together so that everyone can keep track of the interdependent relationships of tasks and projects.

Many software programs, such as Microsoft Office, have Gantt chart functions. There also are companies, such as Clickup, that offer specific Gantt chart software products. If you have employees who are very into visual learning, it can be worth it for you to invest in and learn how to use software products that allow you to create Gantt charts. This can add one more tool to your business toolbox. 

See free gantt chart for more info.